Why Can't I See My Ad When I Google It?

Learn about search personalization and learn the reasons why you can't see your REPLI ad when you Google it.

It's natural that you want to Google your ad to actually see it in SERP results, but you may be alarmed when your ad doesn't show. Don't be alarmed! It doesn't necessarily mean your ads aren't running. They most likely aren't showing for you because of search personalization

What is Search Personalization?

Personalized search is web search results that are tailored specifically to an individual's interests by incorporating information about the individual beyond the specific query provided. 

How Does Search Personalization Prevent My Ad From Showing?

REPLI is very strategic in the way we set up our ads. We use a combination of keywords, location targeting, ad scheduling, and much more to hone in on users that are most likely to submit a lead. Google may recognize that based on your search history you are not a good match for the ad. 

For example....

If you're currently in Atlanta, but you're searching for a 1-bedroom apartment in San Franciso, you may not see the ad. Some of our ad campaigns target users in that geographic area or within a certain radius. 

I Want to See My Ad. What Should I Do?

There are a few ways to see your REPLI ads. 

  • NinjaCat Dashboard: You can see some of your ads through your dashboard on Ninjacat. Access the dashboard here
  • Contact Support: Send an email to support@repli360.com to request a copy of your running ads. 

Still have questions?

Email our support team📩: Support@repli360.com

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